Photo: Zed Payne

Photo: Zed Payne


Know primarily as a sculptor, Colleen Brown explores the relationships of objects and materials to think through abstraction and social encounters. Brown holds a BFA from Emily Carr University, a BA Psyc, Simon Fraser University and an MFA from the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, Bard College, New York. Her recent solo exhibitions include, If you lie down in a field, she will find you there, Ranger Station Gallery; That Mountain is a Good Listener, Burrard Foundation and Low Pressure Idaho, Unit 17. She has participated in exhibitions and events at the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery, Vancouver; Living Lab, Emily Carr University; Cooper Cole, Toronto; Vancouver Art Gallery; Western Gallery, Bellingham; Hedreen Gallery, Seattle; and The Apartment, Vancouver. Colleen's first book, If you lie down in a field, she will find you there was published in the Fall of 2023.

Colleen is a committed teacher. In the last few years, she has taught students of all ages, working with young children in galleries, with teens in the classroom and seniors as part of community-based work. She is a sessional faculty member at Emily Carr University and the University of the Fraser Valley.


Recent Exhibitions

Aporia (Notes to a Medium), Belkin
If you lie down in a field, she will find you there,
Ranger Station Gallery
That Mountain is a Good Listener, Burrard Arts Foundation
10 Different Things, Living Labs (ECU) and CityStudio (CoV)
Nature's Way, Cooper Cole
Hang Up, Bend and Slump, Low Pressure Ohio, Unit 17
Vancouver Special: Ambivalent Pleasures, Vancouver Art Gallery
Form Play, Primary Research Lab, Western Gallery
Pocket Packet, Shelfed
Good Neighbor, Hedreen Gallery
Rezoning, The Apartment


If you lie down in a field, she will find you there, Radiant Press, 2023
Assemble, Reassemble, Disassemble, Repeat, Essay for 10 Different Things, 2018
The Relational Meme, Fillip Review, Issue 1, 2006
There is a Horizon (review of Geoffery Farmer, For Every Jetliner Used in an Artwork), Fillip Review, Issue 5, 2007
Pouring Over, Poring In, Spilled, Artspeak, 2004


Burrard Arts Blog: In Conversation with Colleen Brown by Genevieve Michaels
Negotiating the Space Beside: A Conversation with Sculptor Colleen Brown By: Lauren Lavery


Lee Plested, Ambivalent Pleasures: A Conversation with Jesse McKee, Art 21, Dec. 12
Robin Laurence, Vancouver Special: Ambivalent Pleasures sparks delight in dark times, The Georgia Straight, Dec. 7
Jen Graves, Artbnb—Xenia Turns Condo Rental into an Installation, The Stranger, May, 2015
Arron Peck, Akimblog, October 20, 2009
Robin Laurence, Artists See Stars in I’m a Fan, Georgia Straight, August 25 – September 1, 2005, 57
Kathleen Ritter, Flåneuse. Vue du trottoir., esse art + options, vol. 55, 2004, 20-25
Diana Savage, To Whoever Finds Me: Invertebrate and Interventions in Vancouver, Blackflash Volume 22-1, 2004, 26-35
Dan Rowe, A Quiet Infiltration of Art into Public Life, Vancouver Sun, March 31, 2003