States of MINds at different times

Figure 1: 1951 detail


My mother always gave her children a dime to put in the collection plate. Although there are twenty years between Vicky and me, this memory of Mom giving us the dime in the pew and helping us add our contribution to the plate is exactly the same. Laura, Mark, and Jim all remember their dimes.
“Did you ever think of stealing them?” Jim asks.
I didn’t but we both agree I would have if I’d been given more time.
(excerpt from If you lie down in a field, she will find you there)

In States of Minds at Different Times, Brown uses her base figure (the corporeal lump, the upright address, the beckoning display, and the scattered content) to consider individual expressions of cultural forces. Although Brown has been chasing after the influence of Protestantism on her mother’s and possibly all of our lives for this exhibition, what she has emerged with are thoughts about physical culture during the 50s-70s.